infertility, IVF

The IVF letter you don’t want to receive during COVID-19

Today marks the end of this year’s National Infertility Awareness Week, an event originating in the States, but which involves people of all nationalities via social media. And it goes to show just how distracted I’ve been that I’ve only just realised. This time last year, I was pregnant, and just about to find out… Continue reading The IVF letter you don’t want to receive during COVID-19

IVF, Miscarriage, Pregnancy

To IVF or not to IVF?

After two miscarriages, at the age of 39 I was referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic at my local hospital.  9 months, an array of blood tests, multiple scans and another miscarriage later, I finally got to meet with a clinic consultant. I was told that my blood test results had come back normal, so… Continue reading To IVF or not to IVF?

Miscarriage, Pregnancy

Waiting, waiting, waiting: accessing mental health services after miscarriage

Given that I’ve just started psychotherapy, 15 months after my first miscarriage, I thought now would be a good time to talk about accessing mental health support via the NHS in England.  Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of fantastic things about the National Health Service, the fact that it’s free, for one. Its… Continue reading Waiting, waiting, waiting: accessing mental health services after miscarriage


“I’m sorry, I can’t find a heartbeat”

Scan 1 With a long wait ahead before seeing a midwife for our first pregnancy's booking appointment, I was anxious for 'proof' that I was actually pregnant. So I managed to persuade my husband that we should book in for an early scan at a clinic that we had been recommended by friends. I would… Continue reading “I’m sorry, I can’t find a heartbeat”